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Архив записей

«  Февраль 2025  »

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В качестве примера ниже приведена тема «MY HOBBY» (Мои увлечения), которую Вы можете использовать для подготовки к зачету и примерные вопросы, на которые надо уметь ответить.

(Мои увлечения)

What is a hobby? It is what you can and like to do, when you have free time. We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. When we have a hobby our life becomes more interesting.
Many people are interested in music. They collect records and tape recordings. Others like to read and collect books. People living in cities and . towns like to be closer to nature, and they spend their free time in the country.
Some of us go on hikes, some like to work in their gardens.
For example, gardening and growing roses is the most common hobby among Englishmen.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. It has become one of the numerous hobbies.
Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession.
I have a hobby too. I like to collect stamps on the history theme. The stamps tell me about the greatest events of the history of Russia. My collection isn't a big one. It has 351 stamps.
I have a great number of stamps which tell me about the war of 1812. These stamps are very expensive and interesting. You can see the portraits of Kutuzov, Suvorov and other heroes of the War of 1812.
A lot of stamps in my collection are connected with the 9th of May. They describe the battles between German fascists and our brave soldiers.
You can see the Hero cities on my stamps, such as Moscow, Tula, Odessa, Kiev and others.
I am not fond of sport, but I have some stamps about sport. I don't buy them, but my friends, knowing my hobby sometimes give them to me. I am proud of my collection and I always show it to my friends.


1. records пластинки
2. tape-recording магнитофонные записи
3. numerous многочисленный


  1. What is a hobby?
  2. Does your life become more interesting if you have a hobby?
  3. What kinds of hobbies do you know?
  4. What is the most popular hobby among Englishmen?
  5. What's your hobby?
  6. Will your hobby help you in your future life?
  7. Are you fond of playing computer games?
  8. What is one of the numerous hobbies in our country?
  9. You like stamps, don't you?
  10. Do you show stamps to your friends?
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